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Prenatal, Birth & Postpartum

Local Full-Spectrum Doula


I was taught that a person goes through many cycles throughout their lifetime, each unique in it's own right.

At conception, the pregnant person starts the bearer of life ceremony. Each individual has their own rituals that are made up of common components like nutrition, the way you care for your changing body, education on birth processes and procedures and creating community. A doula is a guide through these life changing ceremonial stages of your life.

"At birth, we experience nature, spirit, cosmos, and creation with all our being."

- Patrisia Gonzales
Author of Red Medicine

General role of a

Labor Doula

A doula accompanies you in labor to help ensure a satisfying birth experience by providing physical, emotional/spiritual, and educational support.

A doula will help you make decisions by providing information, support, and creating space but will not make decisions for you.


I will help you feel empowered to make the appropriate decisions for your own health.  We are not trying to persuade you in any way just merely provide you with unbiased resources and information.

A doula works for you, not your care provider or the hospital.

A doula does not perform clinical tasks such as blood pressure or fetal heart rate monitoring. 

A doula does not replace your partner but is part of your birth team or  community. In my 13 years experience in birth work I've been able to tune in to couples needs. Sometimes my hands on help is needed and there are times I can step back and simply hold space for you to do the work you need to birth your baby.

For more perinatal resources please visit Birth Comadres Collective

Prenatal Visits  |  Coping & Centering Techniques  |  Birth Prep  |  Open Communication

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Christine C, TX

"I appreciated the relaxing prenatal massage you gave me on Saturday 11/30  It was lovely and I think it is what helped get labor going. I went into labor naturally that evening at 11:30pm and delivered a handsome baby boy at 9:27am on 11/31.  Thank you again for fitting me in that day!  It made all the difference."

Christi HT

"There is a vast difference between therapists that claim "to be able to do" pre-natal massages and those that actually can. Definitely the fact that Iris is a certified doula plays into the fact that she is stellar in her skills, knowledge, and overall practice. I highly recommend her to anyone that is not only pregnant, but overall to anyone. If she knows how to take care of a woman in the most delicate time of her life, she surely knows how to otherwise."

2-4 Prenatal Visits:

These are in-home or virtual visits to create a relationship and to discuss your birth preferences. We'll go over the changes of birth and how to cope. I also incorporate birth prep tips for you and your birth team. We’ll go over the ways to support during birthing time, including out of bed birthing positions, breathing, and centering techniques. But most importantly we want to build your confidence to trust your intuition.​

The Detials

Birth Doula Package

I will be in attendance during the laboring process and will stay with you until the baby's birth and a few hours after birth depending on what kind of support you need. Immediate post birth needs may include advocating for skin to skin, help with initiating breast/ chest feeding. As well as making sure everyone is nourished. 

2-3 Postpartum Home Visits:
  • Abdominal/womb care + binding

  • Rebozo movement and closing

  • baby care

  • Birth processing

  • Chest/Breastfeeding help/encouragement

24/7 support via email, phone and text. 


Postpartum Sobadas

This treatment includes a sobada and ending with a wrapping of the body using the Rebozo and a Reiki treatment. The wrapping will physically and energetically make you feel centered and grounded. This also includes education of binding and how to use fajas properly. If needed, I will also include other traditional techniques including crystals, drums, song or Tibetan bowels. 


Postpartum Rebozo Closing

 This treatment includes a postpartum sobada using warming salves and ending with a wrapping of the body using the Rebozo, a Reiki treatment and the use of other Mexican traditional tools. This also includes education of binding and how to use fajas properly. The wrapping will energetically close the hips to help you feel "put back together" physically and energetically.


Postpartum Closing Ritual

This treatment is done in your home. It will include a sobada, an herbal bath and a Rebozo closing. This also includes education of binding and how to use fajas properly. You will gently be connected to the vibration of earth and nature using traditional sounds and songs, helping you reconnect with your body.


Postpartum Doula Services

*This services is offered to my previous birth clients only.

I will join you in your home and help with anything from general baby care, breast/chestfeeding support to light house cleaning. This also includes education of binding and how to use fajas properly.


Infant Massage

There are many benefits to incorporating infant massage into your daily routine. It is a tool that has been used in many ancient cultures throughout history as a parent tradition. Massage is not only a great way to connect with your baby but it can help stimulate the immune, digestive, respiratory, and nervous system. This helps the release of stress reducing hormones. Massage sparks the neurons in their brains to grow and branch out to encompass other neurons. It can also stimulate growth and weight gain in preemies and “small” babies. Massage can help reduce fussiness and promote more restful sleep. It can also help build trust between parent and child by teaching nurturing touch. In this in home session we’ll talk more in depth about the benefits of infant massage and massage oil/lotion safety. I will help you create a relaxing atmosphere and massage routine specific to you and your baby. “Infant massage empowers you as a parent, for it gives you the means by which you become an expert on your own child.” - Vimala McClure, author of Infant Massage, A Handbook for Loving Parents


6700 Manchaca Rd
Austin, TX 78745

©2024 by Las Manos Magicas.

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